
Makeup for the Vintage Girl (1950s)


From Aubrey Hepburn and Marilyn Munroe , Diana Dors the beautiful women of the 1950s television and films here are some tips and tricks for the 1950 vintage girl.

The 1950s woman had the option to wear foundation and/or face powder. Lighter or natural skin tones were in. Foundation came in liquid, cream and cake formulations.

Pan-Cake, the Max Factor staple, was as popular as ever in the 1950s, selling tens of millions throughout the decade.
The 1953 introduction of Creme Puff was very successful – an easy way to apply foundation and powder all in one go.
All face products tended to be warm in color, with a pink or peach base. There were also green powders, used to knock out unwanted red coloring.


A black line with a little outward flick was the fashionable look, creating an almond-shaped eye. Using eyeliner, in general, was in vogue and pencils could be found in various colors, including the basic black, brown and gray along with blues, green's and purples

Eyeshadow came in a variety of colors, mostly in shades of gray, brown, gold and the popular blue, green and purple pastels.Rouge was also used as eye shadow, as well as used to warm up the face around the temples and/or forehead.

The 1950s saw the emergence of tube mascara with a wand – Helena Rubinstein and Max Factor both lay claim to being the creator of the new wand. Either way, mascara was every woman’s favorite.
Block mascara and cream mascara in a tube were still used and applied with a little brush. Block mascara needed activating with water, but most women would simply spit onto the block, mix to create a liquid paste and apply.

At the start of the decade, eyebrows were dark and strong, with the pencil being used to fill in and define the shape. Brows gradually became softer – still penciled for shape, but softer – less “crayoned in”.
The fashionable shape throughout the decade was a strong arch with brows of a decent thickness that tapered out at the ends. The thickness varied from medium to very thick.

Lips were the strongest element of a 1950s makeup, with red being the predominant lipstick color choice.
Red lipstick varied from true-red through to deep and dark brown-based colors, to more orange-based. The lipstick also came in shades of pink, orange tones, and coral colors.
In 1950, the first long-lasting lipstick was introduced to consumers. No-Smear Lipstick was invented and manufactured by American chemist, Hazel Bishop,
Lip liners were used, sometimes to draw a line outside of the natural lip line to create a fuller-looking lip.

Rouge was used sparingly and is not a prominent feature of 1950s makeup. It came in soft pinks and corals. It was often used to warm up the face, not just on the cheeks, but around the temples and forehead and so on, to add a “soft warm glow”.
 Manufacturers co-ordinated their nail enamel colors with their lipsticks, so reds, pink's and corals were popular colors, with clear nail polish being an option too. Nail polish was popular with teens.


10 Amazing Photographs


1. A ulity worker gives co worker mouth to mouth after contact with a high voltage wire. ( 1967)

2. Austrian Boy gets a new pair of shoes during world war 2 

3. Babies Orphaned after the loss of their parents in the Vietnam war, are transported to the united states in 1975 in operation babylift.

4. the real Christopher robin and Winnie the pooh.

5. a black officer protects a member of the KKK during a rally in 1983.

6. Charlie Chaplin Meets Helen Keller.

7. Tesla Lab

8.The First Ronald 

9.Nuns at a rock concert

10. An American Solider and a Kitten

Miss Pamela Des Barres ( Groupie SpotLight)


X( Warring towards the bottom are some revealing photographs)X

Miss Pamela Des Barres,The reason i picked miss Pamela as this weeks groupie is because she is my favourite she is my inspiration for everything i chose to direct  my life she is what i would have loved to do in my life if i got to live though the 1960s here's a bit on miss Pamela and you might think she is as amazing as much as i do.

Pamela Des Barres aka Miss Pamela (born Pamela Ann Miller on September 9, 1948 in Reseda, California) is a former rock and roll groupieauthor and magazine writer.

Des Barres' parents were from Kentucky. Just before she was born, her father moved the family to southern California. Her mother was a homemaker and her father worked for Anheuser-Busch and occasionally as a gold miner. Des Barres idolized the Beatles and Elvis Presley as a child, and fantasized about meeting and dating her favorite Beatle, Paul McCartney. Later, upon discovering the Rolling Stones, she daydreamed of Mick Jagger, while growing up in Los Angeles in the early 1960s.

A high school acquaintance, Victor Hayden, introduced Des Barres to his cousin Don Van Vliet, better known as Captain Beefheart, a musician and friend of Frank Zappa. Van Vliet in turn introduced her to Charlie Watts and Bill Wyman of the Rolling Stones, which drew her to the rock music scene on the Sunset Strip in Los Angeles. She started to spend her time with the Byrds and other bands, and when she graduated from high school in 1966, she took various jobs that would allow her to live near the Sunset Strip and pursue relationships with rock musicians. One high school art class assignment was to visualize an object that showed both texture and color. Having fantasized about Mick Jagger's genitalia, she made them the subject of her painting, which earned her an "A" grade.[3] After securing a position as the babysitter for Zappa's children, she at last found herself a few years later finding multiple opportunities to compare the drawing with the actual object She famously paired up as a friend to a lot of old school rockers, as well as with future sexual partners Mick JaggerJimmy PageKeith Moon, Nick St. NicholasNoel ReddingChris HillmanGram ParsonsWaylon Jennings, and actors Brandon deWildeMichael RichardsWoody Allen and Don Johnson.

In the 1970s Des Barres decided to pursue a career as an actress, and acted in a few movies, including Zappa's 200 Motels, commercials, and a year acting on the soap opera Search for Tomorrow in 1974. She continued to work as a nanny/babysitter for Zappa, who urged her to continue to keep writing the diary she had begun in high school, in which she had faithfully recorded the important details of her life. When her acting career stalled, she continued to work for the Zappa family as a nanny for Zappa's children, Dweezil and Moon Unit.

On October 29, 1977, she married Michael Des Barres who had been lead singer for Detective (signed to Led Zeppelin's Swan Song Records label) and Silverhead, and who, in 1985, was tour vocalist for Power Station. They have a son, Nicholas Dean Des Barres (GameFan magazine's Nick Rox). The couple divorced in the summer of 1991.

Des Barres wrote two memoirs about her experience as a groupie, I'm with the Band (1987) and Take Another Little Piece of My Heart: A Groupie Grows Up (1993). Conjecture has been published saying that Cameron Crowe drew from these memoirs to create the groupie character Penny Lane for his film Almost Famous; however, Crowe has written that the character was a fictionalization of events he witnessed as a young music journalist, a composite of a handful of girls calling themselves the "Flying Garter Girls," primarily one named Pennie Trumbull who went by Pennie Lane.The memoirs by Des Barres still have a connection to the film: actress Kate Hudson read them for inspiration as she portrayed Penny Lane.

Des Barres has written two non-fiction books, Rock Bottom: Dark Moments in Music Babylon and Let's Spend the Night Together: Backstage Secrets of Rock Muses and Supergroupies (Chicago Review Press, 2007). An updated edition of I'm With the Band was released in 2005.
In 2013, Miss Pamela launched her clothing line, "Groupie Couture;" she also writes articles for online and print publications. She has been teaching writing classes for several years, both in Los Angeles and in cities across the United States, and affectionately refers to her writers as her "Dolls." Currently (Fall, 2015), she is finishing her latest book which in which she discusses her methods and experiences in teaching and will feature samples of her writers' work. She remains a beacon for those of us who "believe in magic."

I hope  this Blog post tells you really how much and why i love Pamela and why she is my inspiration she lived one amazing life and she is not recognised for what she has done in life. Till next time!
( all credit goes to there right full owners and thanks to all who gave me the information to make this post what it is)

Cynthia Plaster Caster ( Groupie SpotLight)


This young lady is very interesting when i first heard of her i didn't think it was true but i watch a documentary on groupies of the 50s 60s 70s and 80s and this young lady was one of the groupies when you read this post on her you will not believe it till you see the pictures she is awesome enjoy. XXX revealing photograph at the end XXX)

Cynthia Plaster Caster (born Cynthia Albritton on May 24, 1947) is an American artist and self-described "recovering groupie" who creates plaster casts of famous persons' erect penises and breasts.
Albritton began her career in 1968 by casting penises of rock musicians. She later expanded her subjects to include filmmakers and other types of artists. By 2000 she had begun casting female artists' breasts

Albritton was born in Chicago, Illinois.
Shy as a young girl, Albritton sought out a way to make contact with the opposite sex. In the late-1960s she became caught up in free love and rock music. In college, when her art teacher gave the class an assignment to, "plaster cast something solid that could retain its shape", her idea to use the assignment as a lure to entice rock stars to have sex with her became a hit, even before she made a cast of anyone's genitalia. Finding a dental mold-making substance called alginate to be sufficient, she found her first client in Jimi Hendrix, the first of many to submit to the idea.
Meeting Frank Zappa, who found the concept of "casting" both humorous and creative as an art form, though he himself never submitted to the procedure, Albritton found in him something of a patron. He moved her to Los Angeles, which she described as a veritable groupie heaven, with no lack of assistants. Together, Zappa and Albritton conceived an idea of preserving the casts of musicians for a future exhibition, entrusting them to his partner, Herb Cohen, for safekeeping. This idea never took off, due to a lack of famous rock stars as participants. A movie was made of Albritton and her celebrity grew. However, she found herself having to file a lawsuit to retrieve the casts.

In 2000, she decided to cast women's breasts as well.
A film documentary, Plaster Caster (2001), has been made about her. She contributed to the BBC Three documentary My Penis and I (2005), made by filmmaker Lawrence Barraclough about his anxiety over his 9 cm erect penis.
She has inspired at least two songs: "Five Short Minutes" by Jim Croce and "Plaster Caster" by Kiss. She is also mentioned in the Le Tigre song "Nanny Nanny Boo Boo".
In 2010, Albritton ran for mayor of Chicago, Illinois.
Isn't she Amazing! and i really need to watch the film about her, i want to thank everyone who gave me the information and photographs all rights go to the rightful owners
till next time. ( the photo below is some of her work)


Gone But Not Forgotten ( Stuart Sutcliffe)


Stuart Fergusson Victor Sutcliffe (23 June 1940 – 10 April 1962) was a Scottish-born artist and musician best known as the original bassi

st for the Beatles

Sutcliffe left the band to pursue his career as an artist, having previously attended the Liverpool College of Art. Sutcliffe and John Lennon are credited with inventing the name, "Beetles", as they both liked Buddy Holly's band, the Crickets.
The band used this name for a while until Lennon decided to change the name to "the Beatles", from the word beat. As a member of the group when it was a five-piece band, Sutcliffe is one of several people sometimes referred to as the "Fifth Beatle".
When the Beatles played in Hamburg, he met photographer Astrid Kirchherr, to whom he was later engaged. After leaving the Beatles, he enrolled in the Hamburg College of Art, studying under future pop artist, Eduardo Paolozzi, who later wrote a report stating that Sutcliffe was one of his best students. Sutcliffe earned other praise for his paintings, which mostly explored a style related to abstract expressionism.
In July 1960, the Sunday newspaper, The People, ran an article entitled "The Beatnik Horror" that featured a photograph taken in the flat below Sutcliffe's of a teenaged Lennon lying on the floor, with Sutcliffe standing by a window. As they had often visited the Jacaranda club, its owner, Allan Williams, arranged for the photograph to be taken, subsequently taking over from Sutcliffe to book concerts for the group: Lennon, McCartney, Harrison and Sutcliffe. The Beatles' subsequent name change came during an afternoon in the Renshaw Hall bar when Sutcliffe, Lennon and his girlfriend, Cynthia Powell, thought up names similar to Holly's band, the Crickets, and came up with Beetles.  Lennon later changed the name because he thought it sounded French, suggesting Le Beat or Beat-less.

Sutcliffe's popularity grew after he began wearing Ray-Ban sunglasses and tight trousers. Sutcliffe's high spot was singing "Love Me Tender", which drew more applause than the other Beatles, and increased the friction between him and McCartney. Lennon also started to criticise Sutcliffe, making jokes about Sutcliffe's size and playing.

In July 1961, Sutcliffe decided to leave the group to continue painting.
After being awarded a postgraduate scholarship, he enrolled at the Hamburg College of Art under the tutelage of Paolozzi.
He briefly lent McCartney his bass until the latter could earn enough to buy a specially made smaller left-handed 
Höfner 500/1 bass guitar of his own in June 1961, but specifically asked McCartney (who is left-handed) not to change the strings around or restring the instrument, so McCartney had to play the bass as it was.In 1967, a photo of Sutcliffe was among those on the cover of the Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band album (extreme left, in front of fellow artist Aubrey Beardsley).

While studying in Germany, Sutcliffe began experiencing severe headaches and acute sensitivity to light. In the first days of April 1962, he collapsed in the middle of an art class after complaining of head pains. German doctors performed various checks, but were unable to determine the exact cause of his headaches. On 10 April 1962, he was taken to hospital, but died in the ambulance on the way. The cause of death was later revealed to have been an aneurysm in his brain's right hemisphere.

The cause of Sutcliffe's aneurysm is unknown, although it is believed to have been started by an earlier head injury, as he was either kicked in the head, or thrown, head first, against a brick wall during a fight outside Lathom Hall, after a performance in January 1961.
 According to former manager Allan Williams, Lennon and Best went to Sutcliffe's aid, fighting off his attackers before dragging him to safety.
 Sutcliffe sustained a
fractured skull in the fight and Lennon's little finger was broken. Sutcliffe refused medical attention at the time and failed to keep an X-ray appointment at Sefton General Hospital.

Well that my post on Stuart Sutcliffe I Think he's was so handsome and so talented and he will be missed

thanks to all who helped make this post what it is all rights go to their rightful owners i own nothing of this information or photographs.

The Hell Of War


World War II (WWII or WW2), also known as the Second World War, was a global war that lasted from 1939 to 1945, although related conflicts began earlier. It involved the vast majority of the world's nations—including all of the great powers—eventually forming two opposing military alliances: the Allies and the Axis. It was the most widespread war in history, and directly involved more than 100 million people from over 30 countries.It ran from 1 September 1939 –2 September 1945(6 years and 1 day)
on the allied side there were :
Military dead:
Over 16,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 45,000,000
Total dead:
Military dead:
Over 8,000,000
Civilian dead:
Over 4,000,000
Total dead:
Over 12,000,000 (1937–45)

Main Allied leaders
Soviet Union Joseph StalinUnited States Franklin RooseveltUnited Kingdom Winston ChurchillRepublic of China (1912–49) Chiang Kai-shek

Main Axis leaders
Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler
Empire of Japan Hirohito
Kingdom of Italy Benito Mussolini


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