
Surviving a Nuclear War


With Talk of nuclear war it makes many people think it's the cold war all over again things are changing in a society and its making people want to be prepared for the worst so here are some tips for surviving.

1. Fall Out Shelter

Believe it or not, most people actually do have ‘access’ to a fallout shelter. In fact, only about 4 inches of dirt would be enough to stop gamma radiation from successfully harming live human tissue behind that barrier.
It would also take about 11 inches of wood to protect a human as well, which means that this isn’t something outside the realm of possibility for most people. Fallout shelter plans can be found within 5 seconds of a quick stop at ye olde search engine -but the important point is that it can be done, and done on a relatively modest budget.
For instance, if you’re living in a major city and have access to a basement, then you’ll probably want to have high-PSI blast protection in place given your nearby proximity to ground-zero (Though, quite frankly, I’d just recommend getting out of the city altogether, since surviving the fallout will only be the beginning of your problems). Essentially, you want to make sure that you’re protected from radiation penetrating into your living space, using bricks, wood, bookshelves, water, and anything with respectively heavy matter density.

Even if it’s not perfect, it’s still better than what most people will have. My point is simple, if you don’t have a fallout shelter, then your last days will not be pleasant ones.

2. Radiation Monoriting / Measuring Gear 

Another major essential that I’d recommend for surviving a nuclear war would be radiation detection/monitoring/measuring equipment… and even though this too might be somewhat obvious, there are 2 not-so-obvious reasons for this being the case.

First, you need to know if the radiation has actually blown into your area in the first place. If you’re not located anywhere remotely close to a nuclear target, and your only indication that WWIII has begun is that of all major electronically dependent devices, equipment, and vehicles have been fried -then you might not actually be arriving at the correct conclusion. Just because an EMP had been detonated, doesn’t mean that it’s from a nuclear warhead. It might have been from an HAEMP (High Altitude Electromagnetic Pulse) from a warhead that went off 100 miles above the earth, meaning that radiation isn’t going to be a problem. In addition, you might have also been on the business end of an X-class solar flare, which could largely have the same effect.
Second, you’ll need to know when it’s safe to resurface, especially in the event of a protracted nuclear war. Since many have lately been throwing around the term, ‘limited nuclear strike’, then there’s a very good chance that various warring nations might be engaged in exchanging radioactive blows over the course of a month (rather than within hours). Fallout radiation will only last for about 2 weeks, but during protracted war, you’ll need to know when it’s safe to resurface and scavenge for resources… and more importantly… when it’s not.

3. Medical Supplies
Iodine is one of those elements that the human body needs in order to sustain itself, and in particular, the thyroid gland is one organ that just so happens to use the stuff. However, the thyroid gland doesn’t have the foggiest clue on how to tell the difference between innocent, harmless, normal iodine… and highly lethal radioactive iodine-131 that will show up in the fallout.

- Potassium Iodine 
Will Keep the Nasty radioactive iodine from entering your thyrode and keeping you from getting terminal cancer 
What else is needed

Bandaging and Splinting Supplies:
  • Hypoallergenic adhesive tape
  • Sterile adhesive bandages in assorted sizes
  • Assorted sizes of safety pins
  • Sterile gauze pads
  • 2-inch & 3-inch sterile roll bandages
  • Triangular bandages
  • Folding splints
Medical Tools
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Safety razor blade
  • Thermometer
  • Tongue blades and wooden applicator sticks
  • Antiseptic spray
  • Latex gloves
  • Cleansing agent/soap
  • Tube of petroleum jelly or other lubricant
  • Safety glasses
Non-Prescription Drugs:
  • Aspirin or non-aspirin pain reliever
  • Anti-diarrhea medication
  • Antacid (for stomach upset)
  • Laxative
  • Eye Wash
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Antiseptic or hydrogen peroxide
  • Activated charcoal and Syrup of Ipecac (use if advised by the Poison Control Center)

4. Mis.. for underground lifestyle

Now for the smaller, yet still critical, stuff. While you might be able to ‘survive’ without a single bite of food for 2 weeks, you will greatly reduce your chances of getting to 3 weeks if you attempt to do so. That’s why you’ll want to stock your fallout shelter with the following items, and ensure that you can make it for at least 2 months, living on these supplies.

Food – As I said, you’ll want to keep at least 2 months of food in your fallout shelter at all times. However, you should keep in mind that heating something over a flame will use up what limited oxygen you’ve got down there. Also, since you can’t exactly plan for nuclear war, you should probably acquire non-perishable food, in case WWIII happens 3 years after your predictions

Water – You can only survive for 3 days without water, so make sure you’ve got enough down there to keep everybody alive. Plan on consuming at least 1 liter per person, per day.

Sanitation/Hygiene – Again, this is also where water becomes important; since you’ll need to keep yourself clean in order to combat the issue of disease. As I mentioned, your immune system might end up taking a beating, which means that you want to keep any eventuality of getting sick as far from you as possible. This too includes your ability to dispose of human waste.

Ventilation – Speaking of human waste, if you’re stuck in a fallout shelter for 2 months with the stench of foulness, then you might end up wishing you were a little closer to ground zero on ‘nuke day’. This is one reason why every single fallout shelter blueprint comes with a ventilation system. And as I said above, oxygen will be in short supply.

Light – Bring additional lighting, because basements are dark, and constant confined darkness is torment. This might seem like an extremely obvious pointer, but you’d be surprised what can be forgotten if you’re in a rush from the onset of nuclear war. By the way, you’ll want to keep a deck of cards down there as well, because you’ll probably get tired of hearing your own thoughts… and maybe bring along a few really, really good books as well (not discussing prisons, small spaces, etc.).

5.  Resurfacing Gear

Eventually, you’re going to have to come back to the surface sooner or later. The problem is that you might not be able to know if the radiation has dissipated just yet, which means that you’re going to need protection from residual fallout particles. In addition, you’re going to have to be prepared for something else: same world, but changed people.

‘Decon’ Shower – Decontamination showers will allow you to wash off your particulate protection suit before you enter your shelter’s living area, so you don’t contaminate everything (and everyone) inside. These can be somewhat expensive, but remember, you don’t need one for a 10-man team. The smallest one should do the trick.

Particulate Protection Suit – This suit IS NOT going to stop gamma radiation, which means that you should think twice before frolicking outside for exercise while you’ve got radioactive dust settling on your mailbox. However, with a sturdy gas mask, a Tyvek full-body suit, gloves, boots, and duct tape to seal everything together, you’ll at least be able to keep from any fallout getting into your bodily orifices. Everything else can be decon showered off -and if your radiation monitor is chirping, then it’s time to hurry up whatever you’re doing and head back inside ASAP.

The World Will Stay the Same. People Will Change.

After you get past the fallout without having been critically weakened by the effects of the radiation, then you’ve made it further than the majority of the US population. I happen to believe that the generation to endure this horrifying period in human history will be known for their lack of hair (another well-known effect of radiation poisoning).
With that said, we will also be faced with a society that lacks the ability to maintain any semblance of stability or order -which means that anarchy will be the new sheriff in town for a while. The war will be just the beginning.
The aftermath is what will determine the fate of us all…


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